Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Am I going nuts or is that you?

So this was freaky weird. I looked at the clock, and it said 3:43. I looked again what surely seemed to be a minute later and the clock still said 3:43. I gazed upon the timepiece for what seemed to be a lifetime, and it remained at 3:43. I concluded the clock had become frozen. I couldn't resist one last look only seconds later - imagine my suprise when I saw that not only was 3:43 done and over, but the clock had seemingly given 3:44 a miss and gone straight to 3:45. I'm now scared of my obviously possessed clock.

It also occurs to me that perhaps 4 in the morning is not the wisest time to be shopping on Ebay. Too bad, that.


Eva Lemmon..? said...

Ha ha ha, my clock does that too. My calender is odd as well.

Mark said...

Heh. I woke up this morning thinking I'd beat my alarm by about half an hour or so, but considering that I had a surprising amount of energy. Then I looked at the clock and discovered that I'd only been in bed for about an hour. Gar.

steveandjanna said...

I think we're going to have to ban you from any and all ebay activities between 10pm and 10am.

NPE said...

This AM I awoke at 8 when my alarm usually goes off and was able to turn it off before it made a peep!

First and last time that will ever occur.

Mrs. P said...

So Janna, you'll get to tell folks that you are not "allowed" to shop Ebay after midnight... heh heh...

Mark said...

I could probably figure out a way to block eBay and other sites at certain hours of the day. There's gotta be something out there that does it. There just has to be.

Smart Aleck said...

It is easy to setup a firewall to do that.

Mark said...

My thoughts exactly.

Eva Lemmon..? said...


Erika said...

Poor janna, all the stress is finally getting to her. *goes off to find the number for pine rest*

Mark said...

Oh, I don't know about Pine Rest... the people running it can be just as nutty as the patients...