... socks would stay in the ownership of those who had purchased them and not disappear for seemingly no reason.
... catalogues would come in the mail everyday. Good ones too, full of crap you never knew you wanted.
... gas would be free, as well as car insurance. Also, cars would be free to people I liked. But not to morons, because they shouldn't be on the road. Actually, I'd get to choose who got to drive. yeah.
... there would be no billiards clocks. ;-)
... passports would be free. And there would be no obnoxious lines at the post office full of whiny old people would can't handle standing and waiting for five minutes. Also, there would be a rule about postal workers having to be witty and charming and thus interesting to converse with.
... there would be a minimum 25% tipping law enforced at Grandville Russ', regardless of quality of care. yeah.
... everyone else's blogs would be updated daily, and I'd never have to update, but still get hundreds of comments.