Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What Day Is It?

Maybe it's tomorrow, and maybe it's not,

Maybe it's yesterday, I done forgot!

Hey, what day is it? Could you please tell me?

What day is it? What day is it? I'm confused, you see! OH!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Charge it!!!

Here at Penultimate Grooviness, capitalism is very much encouraged. In efforts to support the free market, many purchases are made (hey! I'm being patriotic! right? right? oh...) and the search is always on for appropriate places for those funny little slips of paper we call money to be spent at.

Well, I am pleased to report that a new e-store has been opened! Nate, of Presbyterian Thoughts and Life on Union Avenue fame, has designed a number of items, both useful and decorative. Amongst the favorites of yours truly are the Girlie Presbyterian shirt and the Calvin the Blogger apron. Also on my wish list are the ARC of GR sweatshirt and notebook (useful for keeping up with Rev Lanning, and definitely helpful for up and coming conventricles (sp?)!), though one wonders about the man bag.

So, chickens, run out and do your patriotic duty (and help pay someone's seminary tuition!) and buy, buy, buy!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

If I ran the world...

... socks would stay in the ownership of those who had purchased them and not disappear for seemingly no reason.
... catalogues would come in the mail everyday. Good ones too, full of crap you never knew you wanted.
... gas would be free, as well as car insurance. Also, cars would be free to people I liked. But not to morons, because they shouldn't be on the road. Actually, I'd get to choose who got to drive. yeah.
... there would be no billiards clocks. ;-)
... passports would be free. And there would be no obnoxious lines at the post office full of whiny old people would can't handle standing and waiting for five minutes. Also, there would be a rule about postal workers having to be witty and charming and thus interesting to converse with.
... there would be a minimum 25% tipping law enforced at Grandville Russ', regardless of quality of care. yeah.
... everyone else's blogs would be updated daily, and I'd never have to update, but still get hundreds of comments.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Yes, it's true.

Yes, I'm very happy.

Yes, I've been blessed beyond all reason.

May 27, people...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Curious Deaths of some Burmese Kings

Theinhko: killed by a farmer whose cucumbers he ate without permission. Theinkho’s Queen, fearing civil disorder, smuggled the farmer into the royal palace and dressed him in royal robes. He was proclaimed King Nyaung-U Sawrhan, and was known as the ‘Cucumber King’. He later transformed his cucumber plantation into a spacious and pleasant royal garden. (931 AD)

Anawrahta: gored by a buffalo during a military campaign. (1077 AD)

Uzana: trampled to death by an elephant. (1254 AD)

Narathihapate: forced at knife-point to take poison. (1287 AD)

Minrekyawsa: crushed to death by his own elephant. (1417 AD)

Razadarit: died after becoming entangled in the rope with which he was lassoing elephants. (1423 AD)

Tabinshweti: beheaded by his chamberlains while searching for a fictitious white elephant. (1551 AD)

Nandabayin: laughed to death when informed, by a visiting Italian merchant, that Venice was a free state without a king. (1599 AD)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Yet another shameless bid for comments to feed my gluttonous blogger ego

What titles would you contribute to a list of books every child should read?
All genres are fair game.