Thursday, February 02, 2006

What About Bob?

I mean, really, what about him?


Anonymous said...

All I know is that you would rather boil your head than celebrate such a ridiculous holiday like V-day.

Eva Lemmon..? said...


Would you really crush the memory of the U. S.'s greatest hour??? Oh the shame! you must be french!

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Or is that V.E. day......

steveandjanna said...

Are you calling my fiance a Nazi?

Mark said...

You make it sound like a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

VD day?

steveandjanna said...

I don't think Nazi's would be well recieved on at least one side of my family.

Mark said...

Hmmm... I'm going to have to dig up a brown shirt for May 27...

steveandjanna said...

The washed masses demand a new post!

Eva Lemmon..? said...

The slightly soild masses demand an update and a cake of soap!!

Mark said...

Bob is unknowable. For one can never really know a man. Sure, you can know his interests, his hobbies. You can know that he likes to drink his hot chocolate cold, or that he eats Snickers with a fork. You can know that he washes his hands every five minutes, or that he only wears gloves on odd-numbered days. But you can never really know the man himself. So to ask "What about Bob?" is to answer your own question.

Janna said...

Yeah. What he said.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

I argue that you can know a man. Why, I know the workings of my fellow Lemmings quite well, and I would suppose that the mind and soul are what make the man. No?

Furthermore, habits etc. are the out workings of the mind and soul.

But if I know you well enough, you will bring out the old "know theyself" cliche, and then you will point out the old "you can never truly know they self, thus you can never truly know eachother" gag.

"Ha," says I, "Then how do you expect to know anything.Everyone knows that the first circle of reasoning is essentially 'Me and my concerns'. Nothing in nature operates from 'Others' first, except the divine!"

This would lead us down the paths known as psychology and stoicism. Possibly many other paths as well, which all circle about the human mind and why we are. Eventually, we would come to the understanding that we can pidgion hole poor bob, and we would say "now we know him!".

Mark said...

Yes, well, I am of course operating on the assumption that I'm a figment of my imagination.

Wife, Mom, Teacher said...

I just want to know "How does Janna do it?" How does she post something one line long and get 16 comments out of it? Amazing!

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Well well well, comparing brains are we?
(Birds are in fact rather inteelegent for their size, almost more so than elephants.)

Let us assume that we are dealing with a bird. This bird has some remarkably human characteristics. Unfortunately, this bird couldn't possibly communicate with us, unless we understood it.

That narrows the field. We then assume that we are talking to a derranged individual, who is having an identity crisis. Ha! There you have it!

Mark said...

Birdbrained, eh? I prefer crazy like a fox.

Mark said...

Presentreality, do we know you? And yes, I am fully aware of the irony of the question.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

I think we have a few new postulates!

"Short people must be more intelligent to justify their existence."

"Tall people do not need to be significantly intelligent."

The only problem would be the diversity of human intelligence. This is manifested in standardized tests and schools.

MJ, I think we do, but you (Presentreality) sound a lot like Jeff, who claims to be keeping up three blogs.

Or could this be Kuiper?

Mark said...

It's not Jeff... I believe that "Presentreality" is a pun on the commentor's profession.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

oH NOOO, Its making us guess!
This is terrible. Here we are scrabbling about like rat terrers, and the answer is probably obvious.

Would you answer "yes" or "no" questions?

Mark said...

Eh, it's somebody from Tenessee. I've lost interest.

Mark said...

So we're going to play twenty questions now? Happy happy joy joy.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Were you born in the 60's?

Mark said...

Yes, actually. My turn - are you writing from the West Michigan area?

Mark said...

Well, Mom doesn't run that site, that's why. It's not the most accurate to begin with, anyhow.

Were you here for the party we had last August?

Anonymous said...

Hello PR! I feel compelled to chime in here, since you've inquired as to the absence of sweet baby James from the genealogy page you sited. If, for some reason, you would like a more accurate and detailed genealogy of the Bosscher family, please check out

Charles Jurries said...


Are you a young lady? (in extension, does your name begin with "M"?)

Anonymous said...

PR - Have you signed "the wall"?

Charles Jurries said...

Well, Ms. PR (assuming "Ms." is correct), I wonder this... You seem to know a lot about the Jurries clan, but don't really speak out about the non-Jurries. This could either indicate that you are not affiliated with the ARC, or you are playing your cards really well.

My pondering is this... Have I taken your photograph? (not that it would narrow anyone down!!!) Additionally, have you and I talked in the past year, perhaps after a church service?

Mark said...

Are you by any chance a blood relative?

Or have you ever been to the ARC?

Anonymous said...

PR - Which is a better source of entertainment for you - Lonnie Stevenson or Francine Rivers?

Erika said...

I came here yday and there were like, 12 comments...the stuff I miss in a day, my goodness!! Well now PR, have I ever met you?

Charles Jurries said...

Tricky, tricky. Such a sneaky person would probably be in charge of public relations, building and grounds, or both!

I have one more (planned) question for PR... Some, in a fit of rage, will tell someone to "go to hell" as a insult, right? Would it be biblically wrong then to tell someone, when we are really pleased with them, to "go to heaven"? Or would that be delving off into... Supralapsarianism? (My lexicon isn't helping me solve this one!)

Eva Lemmon..? said...


Janna said...

Mystery! Intrigue! The masses (washed, unwashed, slightly soiled, and hopelessly grass-stained) are befuddled!

Well, PresentReality, whoever you are, I like your style. When are you starting your brog? I do believe your brog would be extremely entertaining.

One question for you - Have I been to your house?

That is all.

Grace said...

PresentReality. What are you having for Sunday dinner?

Mark said...

PR, I must say that you've played this game extremely well. I've seen others do this and fail miserably, you on the other hand have the wits and intelligince to pull it off. The kicker is, the game is really of our own creation. I was not specific enough when I asked if we knew you, but I've learned from that error and will now ask the question that should've been asked originally.

What is your name? Your Christian name, that is. The one that goes on your bills, the one on your driver's license, the one you answer to when the teacher calls attendance or your boss calls out. At this point, I think a first name would suffice, though a full name would be preferred. Thank you very much.

Mark said...

By the way - your name can meet any one of the specifications above, it doesn't have to meet them all. Just in case you try something sneaky like "I don't go to school" or somesuch.

Mark said...

Reinforcements? That's one way of dodging the question. Again, well played. Seriously, you're very good at this.

Again, what is your Christian name?

Janna said...

Sarah!!!!!!! How are you dear?

I HAVE been to your house, or at least one portion of it... ;-)

Mark said...

5 AM? I think it was earlier than that... regardless, it was ghastly early. Which excuses any faults in the pancakes. I don't recall them being bad, just really filling. Which is good if one has to drive through cornfields at 6 in the morning.

Very well played, you had us all going insane trying to guess who you were.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Jolly good! Impecable spelling too. How do you do it?

Oh the irony... We still don't know.
(Who you are that is, but i suppose you are cousens or something like that.)

Charles Jurries said...

Sneaky sneak who ever sneaked about seeking to be sneaky!

Good game, Sarah. Good game!