The best complaint call I ever had was in reference to an order I had only taken under duress (at Valentine's, no less). A man of dubious charm decided that nothing would do but to send a bud vase with a dead red rose, a dead white rose, and a perfect pink rose. He had dreamed up some sappy symbolism about how he and his girlfriend were, separately, like the dead roses, in that they were imperfect. But, and this is where the sap levels rise dangerously, put together they made a perfect combination, i.e. the pink rose. It was all really stupid and I told him so. I argued and argued that we, as a professional florist, could not send dead flowers intentionally. He demanded to speak to the owner, and finally after a valiant battle, said owner relented.
Well, the moron didn't convey his hidden meaning in his card message. The girlfriend called and was furious. She was, she said, the laughingstock of the office (question: who laughs at someone who gets dead roses? Who is really that cruel? Most likely, the coworkers didn't care or notice. but I digress). Only after several minutes of screaming, sobbing, and angry recriminations and threats was I able to get a word in edgewise. I explained her idiot boyfriend's thought process and then had to deal with the enraptured gushings and bleating sobs of a thoroughly snowed woman. She thought that her boyfriend was about the sweetest thing ever and couldn't believe how thoughtful and creative he was. She seemed pleased by my observation that they seemed perfect for each other (thank goodness she missed the sarcasm!), and no doubt thinks of the shop fondly.
I miss the wackos.
That is CLASSIC!
Even better than the weirdo who requested a change in elevator music because the current tunes were "invading her spirit".
Haha! I had forgotten about her! "This music is assaulting my soul!" She was a nut! What was it about that shop that attracted the crazies? Remember the guys who thought the cooler walls were talking to them?
Whoa... never heard that one.. you'd better post about that.
I don't know which is worse, the flower shop or that horrible Russ's. Thankfully you'll be working at neither come May 27th.
Then, instead of dealing with a multitude of wackos day-in day-out, she'll only have to deal with one!
(Yes, it's a cheap shot. But I... had to take it. It'd have been almost wrong not to have.)
Man, that really was bad... sorry I called you a wacko, Steve-o.
ugh, the crazy people you meet at work!! like the people who want you to put paper INSIDE of plastic bags for their groceries. When we smile and ask paper or plastic, the key word is OR!! we don't offer both!!
LOL, they want paper liners for their brown bags? That's hillarious.
I think the general rule is that people, individually, tend to be fairly nice. But put them in a store or a restaurant, and they turn into these weird monsters that obsess about the dumbest things.
Like at Russ', when people emphasize that they want the Slim Gem SANDWHICH, as if we have Slim Gem soup to offer them.
I heart that story. Wackos are my speciality!
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