OK, just some random thoughts today, written in a self absorbed manner, not unlike a livejournal or similar wanna be blog. I really should be cleaning, but sitting down and typing whatever fool thing comes to my head sounded much better. That's right. I'm cool like that.
On the subject of Lebanese food in Grand Rapids - first of all, I just want to say that I am a fan. Second of all, I thought it over, and really, Marie Catrib's has the best hummus. But Osta's Chicken Tawook is amazing and the baklava was the best I've had in a long time. So really, you can't miss.
On the subject of cleaning, which isn't sounding any better at the moment, frankly - I have waaaayyyy too much stuff here in my room. Seriously, it'd be easier to set fire to it than take care of it. Don't worry, Mom, I won't. I shall instead inflict all this stuff upon the poor. Yeah.
On the subject of shopping - again, I'm a fan. Blue Turtle Books (I'm pretty sure that's what the name was) at Godfrey and Hall is a way fun place. I intend to go there often. There is no finer smell in the world than used books. Except perhaps rubber cement. But that's probably just me.
Also on the subject of shopping - Rumor is that The Pepperberry closed. I hope this isn't true. I liked that place. Didn't often buy there, which is probably why they're closed, but I liked wandering around there.
On the subject of very exciting events - yesterday I got to feel little George Pickering kicking his poor mother. He's going to be here soon! I can't wait to hold him!
On a related subject, but with a strange and slightly depressing thought - Chances are really good that said George will be taller than me when he's ten. Great. I'll be his old and short Aunt Janna. He'll probably pat me on the head. Gah.
Back to cleaning - Haley's Hints is a great book, but what I wonder is who decided in the first place to try some of these things? I mean, I wouldn't look at a stain and think, "well, I'll mix some vinegar and toothpaste and salt and water softener and baking soda, spread it on a cut lemon, rub it on, and hope for the best!". But all these hints seem to work, so bully to whoever thought outside the box.
On the subject of still avoiding actual work - I could go for some waffles right now. Mmmmm.....
On the subject of things a certain brother is going to install on my computer - The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has this nifty widget thingy whereby they send you a different painting from their collection every single day. Also, it must be said, the Rijksmuseum website is much, much, much nicer and more informative than the Uffizi site. Not that that does me a bit of good, but still, there it is.
On the subject of waitressing - well, the less said about that the better. I'm almost done. I'll miss my coworkers at Russ' for sure. They're a great bunch of people. That said, I'm sick of getting pocket change and gospel tracts for tips. Cheap Dutchies, leaving me carefully counted out pennies, as if I work there for fun and the pennies are a pleasant bonus, rather than my main form of income. And then there was that Jew who came in the other night, insisted I wait on his table, and then made me give him a penny to help cover his bill. Gosh. Who let him in?
On the subject of the wedding - it's only four weeks away. Wow. It seems like everything's coming together. I don't know. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh well. It probably isn't anything important. Hopefully.
On the subject of things annoying, irritating, and generally pesky - My hair. It's a disaster. Seriously, growing it out sounds all fine and well, but it has no style now. I'd cut it all off, but for the wedding. I swear, I will get it cut in Italy.
On the subject of fun times - getting reply cards from wedding invites makes me happy. Of course, getting mail generally always makes me happy. There's something about a letter coming in the mail that can never be matched by email. The only thing better is getting a package from UPS. Oh yeah. I've got two coming. Excitement.
OK - I've slacked off WAY too long now. Back to work. This is a long post, so I don't expect I'll get more that 10 comments. Had I posted, "lalalalalalalalala", I might have gotten something like 87 comments, but I've been given to understand that that is demoralizing to fellow broggers, and we can't have that. No, indeedy. Also, I'm realizing that there's no way to end this post, except abruptly.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Alas! for these are degenerate times...

Woe to us that we should see the day! Ruffians and hooligans are wandering the streets of the previously halycon Grandville, egging the unoffending vehicles of the citizenry at will! Dissipation and profligacy abound! Will Grandville become the next ghetto? Will all cars be vulnerable to the evil intentions of various rotters and bad eggs (punny)? We fear. We tremble. We are dashed well shaken to the core. Or not. Either, really.
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