Woe to us that we should see the day! Ruffians and hooligans are wandering the streets of the previously halycon Grandville, egging the unoffending vehicles of the citizenry at will! Dissipation and profligacy abound! Will Grandville become the next ghetto? Will all cars be vulnerable to the evil intentions of various rotters and bad eggs (punny)? We fear. We tremble. We are dashed well shaken to the core. Or not. Either, really.
Vandals, the whole lot of them. Yes, it's pitiful and one hopes that they repent of their sins. But I'd be lying if I said I don't hope that their teeth melt.
I hope you find them out so we can sue them.
Someone egged YOU? how COULD they? or was it someone else? hmm, either way it wasn't very nice.
i'm still saying its somebody that you know.
It's clearly James W. Lanning and company.
Whom egged whom? And what is going on?
don't be foolish, raptors can't egg things.
oh don't be silly, of COURSE they can!!
That was link highly, highly disturbing.
Time to update.
For once I must agree with NL!!
Yeah, I mean, it's not like she'd prepping for a wedding or anything.
The wedding excuse is no longer acceptable. The masses demand an update.
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