Monday, December 26, 2005

Well, I laughed...

The other night I was out and about, and after the out and aboutness had almost ceased, was standing on an unnamed street with a certain person saying goodnight when our attention was distracted in a most amusing way.

Down the road a piece was a chain link fence. This fence was further topped with barbed wire fencing. The whyness of the barbed wire is something that remains a mystery, especially considering said fence surrounds a building that is not of what one would believe to be of the barbed wire persuasion. Anyways, what drew attention to the otherwise rather humdrum fence was the fact that a pickup had backed into a driveway alongside of it. Out of the truck emerged several men of the youngish, kinda longhaired variety. They began to hurl snowballs rather energetically at something, and spoke rather loudly about how "angry it looks" and how "it's gonna come after us!". Well, being as it was after 2:30 in the afternoon, it was rather dark out, so we thought about wandering over and seeing what was up. One of the seemly young men, moved by the emotion of the evening, decided a song was called for and began to sing that old favorite, "Eye of the Tiger"; a move that of course cinched the deal. We trudged over.

Well, caught in the barbed wire was an extremely irate looking possum. The boys had ceased to pelt snowballs at this point, evidently deciding that that method had not been successful in dislodging the beast. In a baffling turn of events, they retrieved the snow shovels they were inexplicably carrying in the truck. These shovels they then used to try and pry the wire apart far enough to free the livid rodent. The rodent, however, would have none of it, causing one kinda long haired guy to say, "Man, little dude. If you're not gonna help yourself, we're not gonna help you."

Despite this ominous threat, the young men continued pluckily to rescue their unwilling hostage. The possum looked as if it were ready to jump and gnaw their faces off, and probably the faces of all innocent bystanders. We stepped back. Just when all seemed lost, the possum shuffled on off the fence suddenly. There was a terrifying moment when uncertainty reigned; no one knowing what way the animal would travel. After what could best be described as a withering glance at his rescuers, the ungrateful wretch stalked offwards into the night, and the show was over.

Good story, huh?


Erika said...

*quirks eyebrow* was it someone GOOD you were saying good bye to?

Mrs. P said...

Ah the things one can see on an evening in GR... hilarious!

NPE said...

Was the opossum coming out of Saint Joseph's seminary ??


Life on Union Avenue 2 ?

steveandjanna said...

So yeah, who were you with that night Janna? I'm sure your audience would love to know.

Janna said...

I don't answer questions about my personal life on this blog.

Mark said...

Ooh! Ooh! I know, I know!

Anonymous said...

What's also fun is treeing a 'possum, grabbing some grapevines attached to the tree, and yanking real hard so that the 'possum is thrown around and eventually flung out of the tree to land on the ground some twenty feet away. I did that once.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Ha ha, I smell a smoke screen, and a lot of hippies!

Mrs. P said...

I know who it waaaas I know who it waaaas and IIII'm nooot teeeeeellling!!!

Erika said...

III wanna know who it waaaaaaas!!!

Janna said...

Well, EriKa, I'll tell you this much - the person I was with has commented on this post.

Anonymous said...

Eww,how horrible! I have a friend who keeps them as pets! I have commented on this blog before,olny to be critisised on my spelling.-bennidick

Erika said...

Alas, this leaves....many a person. Mayhap its someone GOOD *winks*? or just a friend? or a family member? or...a bennidick?

Janna said...

It was certainly not a family member. Nor a Bennedick, whoever that might be. Does that narrow it down any for you? ;-)

Erika said...

of the male variety?

Janna said...


Eva Lemmon..? said...

Bennedick, why don't you make yourself a blog ID? That way you wouldn't have to type it all the time.

steveandjanna said...

It's Nate isn't it?

Janna said...

That'd be news to me, Nate, and Lydia. :-) Steve, Steve, Steve... you know better than that by now, surely? What kind of boyfriend are you? ;-)

Well, I think that pretty much answers EriKa's question. :-)

Erika said...


Erika said...


Erika said...


John Jurries said... and Steve? When were you planning on telling me this??? So much for family first...

Janna said...

Sorry, John. I guess I forgot, didn't I? Oops! :-)

My goodness, EriKa! Three comments to express your astonishment?

steveandjanna said...

Have you been taking your "special" pills again Janna? How many times have I told you not to buy from your brother?

Erika said...

I was INCREDIBLY astonished!! But I can't bloody tell if ur serious or not!! URGH!!!

Janna said...

I'm absolutely serious. Why would I joke?

Erika said...

I have no idea...but you never know on blogs as opposed to in real person!!! or on the phone or something, yanno? OMGOMGOMG!!

Erika said...

And I just went to IM u and as i clicked your name you signed off!!

Charles Jurries said...

Their relationship is as real as Diane Sawyer's nose.

steveandjanna said...

I hear Diane has had a lot of face work done.

Erika said...

*ponders this...gets even MORE confused*

Charles Jurries said...

Erika, would you doubt the existance of Chocolate and Jelly ice cream, just because you never really imagined Chocolate-Jelly ice cream before? You've known chocolate, you've known jelly, but the two of them together?

Some things in life are just like that.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Hahahaha, I knew it! I knew it! You two love birds couldn't sit on it forever........

But chuuckler, what about chocolate frosted jelly doughnuts?

Charles Jurries said...

They're kind of gross, IMHO. I'd rather have a Boston Creme donut instead!