- Having established the various communications that might be made with the fan, we turn our attention to the hidden language of a ladies glove. Once again, the Victorians found ways to use commonplace items to circumvent social rules.
- Biting the tips - I wish to be rid of you soon
Drawing half way on left hand - Indifference
Dropping both gloves - I love you
Dropping one glove - Yes
Folding up carefully - Go away
Holding the tips downward - I wish to be acquainted
Holding them loose in the right hand - Be contented
Holding them loose in the left hand - I am satisfied
Left hand with the naked thumb exposed - Do you love me?
Putting gloves away - I am most vexed
Right hand with the naked thumb exposed - Kiss me
Smoothing gloves gently - I wish I were with you
Striking gloves over the shoulder - Follow me
Tapping the chin - I love another
Tossing the gloves up gently - I am engaged
Turning them inside out - I hate you
Twisting them around the fingers - Be careful, we are being watched
Using them as a fan - Introduce me to your friends
Striking gloves over the hand - I am displeased
Aww, poor guy...introduce me to your friends?? What if he's madly in love with you??
See, I always thought when you dropped your gloves you wanted to fight. All that said, it sounds like the Victorians were a bunch of mutes.
No no no, when you wanted to fight you slapped your would be opponant in the face and hurl the glove down in disgust.
Imagine how an argument at a party would look using gloves and fans. Everyone clenching, dropping, tapping, and fanning.
You should write a story about a female spy in the victorian era.
(holds gloves loose in left hand)
Miss J, you have surpassed yourself! We eagerly await a post on the floral vocabulary of the dear old Victorians.
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