Wednesday, September 07, 2005

In which I exhibit true blogging arrogance and assume you care about what I read

I have been reading this evening. I love reading, and try to keep up on three to five books at a time. The current picks are good ones, but I have generously decided to burden you with the description of only one. I do, however, expect a comprehensive book report from each of you by Monday. This report must by at least 12 pages long, single spaced. I will be deducting 10 points from your grade for every day it is late. You've been warned.

Ella Minnow Pea
is a lovely book written by a dashed clever man by the name of Mark Dunn. This is an immensely entertaining book - a fiction written in the form of letters. Our charming main character, for whom the book is named, lives on a small island nation off the coast of South Carolina. This nation is named for Nevin Nollop, coiner of the phrase "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog". The people of Nollop have devoted themselves to study of the liberal arts and the veneration of their famous native son. When letters of the alphabet begin to fall off the memorial to Nevin, they become banned from all use by the island council on pain of several forms of punishment. The letters show the results of these strange new rules, as phonetical spellings are used and new words are invented. Funny premise, no?

This is a linquist's dream book. (I know that the esteemed director of the Ministry of Vocabulary would appriciate it.) Can you imagine the work it took to write something like this? That's way more work than I would be willing to put in.

At any rate, I'd reccomend the book to you all. It's worth a look.

Also, for those who did not get the memo - on Friday night there will be fireworks in downtown GR. For those who wish to watch the pyrotechnical feast with myself, my brothers, and other cool people, there will be a group forming on Pearl St. bridge.

That is all.


Mark said...

Those who show up late will be thrown off the bridge.

Janna said...

Well, quite. That goes without saying.

Smart Aleck said...

So are you going to bring one (or more) of your chocolate or cream-cheese treats for us to snack on while we wait for the fireworks to start?

Erika said...

*ahem* one might wonder what time the group would be forming to avoid lateness.

Janna said...

Why, before the fireworks, of course! Silly Erika... :-)

Erika said...

So like, when the first firework goes off and one isn't present, if he or she DOES appear he or she shall be thrown into the river?

Mark said...

Actually, we'll be throwing people off the bridge should the fireworks prove less than stellar. It's only the Grand River, after all...

Erika said...

I saw the Sikmas and James and I THINK NL, but I never got around to going to find the Jurries...I was there on time thought Janna, I PROMISE!! I'm bummed tho, I wanted to meet you!!