Sunday, September 11, 2005


One of my assignments in my English class is to write an observatory essay about a place. Anyplace. It could be anywhere I wanted. I knew right away where I wanted to go. Obviously, it doesn't get more interesting than Urban Mill. While I was there, dutifully observing and not so dutifully instant messaging friends, I realized that everything I was writing was stuff I could've written from memory... even describing some of the crazies that frequent the place! Does this mean I'm very observant of mindless details generally? Or do I just spend too much time at the coffeeshop? Hmmm....

How long is too long for a car to go between oil changes? Just curious.


Erika said...

Maybe a little of both janna:-) and when your car coughs and dies suddenly you know you should have gotten an oil change about a month ago. quite simple really!!

John Jurries said...

I would have to vote for spending to much time at the coffeshop. But as long as you don't go there three times a day like some people do, you're okay. =)

Mark said...

You know, if you're going to spend so much time at the coffeeshop you really ought to take up drinking coffee. It's good and it's good for you.

Anonymous said...

You know, I lived above Urban Mill for 8 months and didn't go there more than twice.

Smart Aleck said...

Hopefully you are using your time there a little more productively than just watching people or shame the thought drinking coffee.