Friday, September 30, 2005

In praise of the maize and blue

Now for a cheer they are here, triumphant!

Here they come with banners flying.

In stalwart step they're nighing.

With shouts of vict'ry crying.

We hurrah, hurrah, we greet you now, Hail!

Far we their praises sing

For the glory and fame they've bro't us,

Loud let the bells them ring,

For here they come with banners flying

Far we their praises tell

For the glory and fame they've bro't us,

Loud let the bells them ring

For here they come with banners flying

Here they come, Hurrah!

Hail! To the victors, valiant,

Hail! To the conqu'ring heroes

Hail! Hail! To Michigan the leaders and best

Hail! To the victors, valiant,

Hail! To the conqu'ring heroes

Hail! Hail! To Michigan the champions of the West!


Anonymous said...

And now for the greatest fight song in all of college, the Michigan State Fight Song!

On the banks of the Red Cedar
Is a school that's known to all
Our specialty is winning
And the Spartans play good ball (hockey!)
Spartan teams are never beaten
Until the end they'll fight
Fight for the only colors,
Green and white

Go right through for MSU (formerly Go break through that line of blue)
Watch the points keep growing
Spartan teams are bound to win
They're fighting with a vim
See their team is weakening
We're gonna win this game
Victory for MSU

Janna said...

We cheer them again
We cheer and cheer again
For Michigan, we cheer for Michigan
We cheer with might and main
We cheer, cheer, cheer
With might and main we cheer!

Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
the champions of the West!

Mark said...

Flying out of the sun
The smell of toast is in the air
When there's a job to be done
The flying toasters will be there.
And it's flap! Flap! Flap!
Now help is on the way.
This vict'ry song they sing:
We pop up to save the day
On mighty toaster wings!

Janna said...

Oh, look what I found! This looks like a lovely song...

On the banks of the Red Cedar
There's a school that's known to all.
It's specialty is LOSING
To Michigan in Football
Spartan Teams are always beaten
All through the game they'll choke.
Fight for Green and White colors?
What a joke!

U of M says "Beat Moo U!"
Watch the points keep growing
Wolv'rine teams are bound to win,
They're fighting with a vim.
MSU is weakening
We're going to win this game!
Victory for U of M!

Anonymous said...

Hail to those mother... Oh wait, this is a Christian blog.

Erika said...

NL?? You weren't going to say what I THOUGHT you were, right?? Good, glad we cleared that up!! I have no clue whose gonna win, but I can't WAIT to watch the game!!