Saturday, October 15, 2005


This evening I went out with a bunch of good girlfriends from work. We had a great time - mini golf, which is yet another non-sport at which I do not excel (we're not even going to talk about how bad my score was), and dinner at Logans, where I ate more rolls than was good for me. We then went back to one of the girls' place to eat ice cream and watch sappy movies. It is about these movies that I will now rant. Ahem -

They are unreasonable! PLEASE!!! Life does not happen like it seems to in A Walk to Remember! Way to give young women an unattainable standard! Men do not act in real life like they do in these silly movies. Of course girls get sappy and weepy at these movies - the men act like women! And then said girls can't understand why real-life men don't treat them like Shane West treats Mandy Moore. Guess what, ladies? You wouldn't want Shane West. And you wouldn't want life to be sweet and sugary like it is in a chick flick. You'd end up in a diabetic coma. And then Nicholas Sparks would write yet another trashy book/screenplay about you. Could you live with that? I couldn't.

There. That's my rant for this evening. Lest there be confusion - I really did have a fabulous time, and I love my friends to death. I am so glad I got to have a good old fashioned girls night - I just think I might need to supply the movies from now on. Mix in a little reason with the fluff, you know.

Also - has anyone else noticed what an appallingly large forehead Shane West has? I mean, it's freakish, unnatural, and odd!


John Jurries said...

May your forehead grow like the mighty oak.

Janna said...

Hahahahaha - I was WAITING for someone to give that line! Yay!

Kar said...

that's so hilarious; i generally have low-tolerance for chickflicks myself. it is so cool to find another girl who agrees. yes!

"Mix in a little reason with the fluff, you know." i don't think girls are the only propagators of fluff in our society but it certainly does seem like that kind of thing tends to be one of our weaknesses and it is just so nice to hear someone--well, anyone!--temper the whole emotion thing with reason. thank you! :)

Kar said...
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